Temporary Exhibitions


Sincronitzats amb la ceràmica

09/05 – 18/11/2024

The exhibition brings together ceramic works by local and international artists. Additionally, it explores how the ceramic tradition has been passed down within key ceramic families in Barcelona, such as the Cumella, Artigas, and Serra families.



01/03 – 06/05/2024

Exhibition of local artists and friends of Mater, with the intention of communicating and transforming through art.


Ultralocal: L’Art a La Ribera, Sant Pere i Santa Caterina des dels 70 fins al nou segle

01/07/2023 – 29/01/2024

Our inaugural exhibition showcases art from these three neighborhoods during a time of radical transformation that took place in the last third of the 20th century. During this period, an emerging artistic community began to take shape, leading to the flourishing of the creative neighborhood.

The exhibition catalog is available for sale in Catalan, Spanish, and English for €22.